Hvorfor bliver læger ikke hængt ud når de bliver afsløret i at praktisere nonsens? Jeg fik sidste år at vide af Anders Koch fra Rigshospitalet at danske flåter ikke bærer co-infektioner, og at han ikke kendte til nogen 'flåtpakke' fra SSI. Nu kan man så læse på DR.dk at rickettsia er ligeså udbredt som borrelia, samt at flåtpakken er bestilt ca 2000 gange de sidste syv år. Hvordan har en ekspert på et centralt sygehus kunnet undgå at høre om flåtpakken? Og hvordan i al-******** har man ignoreret risikoen for co-infektioner? Der må jo for **** have været nogle symptomer? Hvor er journalisternes forargelse over hele denne rådne sag? Politikere bliver hængt ud, læger går fri. Nå, det er efter sigende giftigt at være vred. Jeg må hellere slappe af.
EN: I might not translate this post, but the main takeaways from the articles is that there will be a borrelia research department in Odense and that Rickettsia is as widespread in Denmark as Borrelia according to new research that will be published later this summer. I will hopefully follow up on the research and on the research department. My rant is about how a Danish expert (!) claimed to me that Danish ticks don't have co-infections and that he had never heard of the 'tick-collection' of blood tests that can be ordered from the state serum institute. I am a bit agitated right now because SSI says the test collection has been ordered from them 2000 times over seven years. It means that an expert at one of the biggest hospitals in Denmark has missed the existence of something that is quite central to diagnostics. What an absolute disgrace! It should be all over the media (please contact me Danish media, and I will share my indignation with the people!)
The saddest thing is I am forced to pay that expert because he convinces every patient that they should not look for second opinions. His convinced ineptitude outcompetes any chance at alternative views because everyone respects him so much that they don't spend money elsewhere.