søndag den 1. marts 2015

8 months update

My symptoms kinda stopped worsening during the last months. But it's hard to say. Just a few days ago, I suddenly got those twitches again, after several months with no noticed twitches. It's hard to grasp and put into words whether my exhaustion has worsened, and whether all the little symptoms are worth analyzing. My stomach is sometimes 'upset' but I'm left wondering whether there's active infection somewhere in there. The politics and science of lyme disease feels similarly chaotic to my 'brain fog' mind. I feel like it's too big for my head to deal with. Danish Radio got back to me and asked me to suggest stories/perspectives for their coverage of 'lyme' but I don't feel my mind can put anything together better than a journalist could. Just like with basic arithmetic, my ability for 'seeing' the subject matter has worsened and my readings cannot be put to proper use by my current bodily state. I think it's the journalist's job to go dig through publications and updates on the disease, not all those who feel mentally burdened and incapable. I'd love to somehow study the science or history of the disease at a university, but I can barely even put such a plan together, though I'm running out of money fast and should have been somewhere in higher education or get a job fast. I might go homeless or kill myself, but that would be unbearably unfair. They're not gonna thwart me so bad, the monopoly, the authorities, they will not get me so far towards oblivion.

I want to share some photos with you in this post. They are from different months and show the few visible manifestations of whatever my body is going through.

The red dots were itchy. The inflamed knee was itchy. I don't get those currently. The scratched hand seemed swollen at the places where the skin would crack.. I could hardly make it into a fist for a while, because there was too much pressure on the skin.

One other symptom I want to share: Sometimes, when I suddenly need to go to the toilet, my legs become sore very suddenly.. it's as if there's suddenly too much 'wrong' for the body to handle, and it excretes it with the stool. I don't know if it's toxicity of some kind or it's bacteria or what it is. But my legs are rarely as sore as in those rare moments, and it disappears as the body excretes it.

Gallery of Visible Symptoms link:
Excerpts from gallery: