mandag den 30. december 2013

Stinging tears (svidende tårer)


This is a strange one. Today, I cried to a Youtube clip for 30 seconds and my eyes started to burn/sting and went red. It has never happened to me before. It intensified for up to a minute until I ran to the bathroom to wash my face. Then it stopped. I then went back to the computer and googled "eyes pain stinging" with no mention of "lyme" in the query. One of the top results was a thread from MD Junction (message board) about lyme disease and this exact phenomenon! See for yourself:

I'm infinitely better at investigating my disease than the local doctors are.


I dag græd jeg til en Youtube-video. Efter 30 sekunder begyndte mine øjne at svide/brænde. Det intensiveredes i ca 10 sekunder inden jeg løb til badeværelset og skyllede mit ansigt i vand og sæbe. Så stoppede det. Jeg tænkte på at der måtte være noget 'irriterende' i 'tårevæsken' som generede øjnene, og oplagt kunne det være bakterier. Jeg gik tilbage til computeren og søgte på "eyes pain stinging" uden at nævne infektioner eller flåter eller borrelia. På utrolig vis var et af topresultaterne fra et borrelia-forum hvor borrelia-ramte har nøjagtigt samme mærkværdighed.

Jeg er stadig ikke diagnosticeret af de københavnske læger, og mener efterhånden at jeg er bedre til at diagnosticere denne sygdom end de er.

søndag den 29. december 2013

The shivers only lasted a couple of days

Now I'm back in a more familiar condition - muscle twitches and soreness.

I had a brief migraine behind my left ear yesterday. It scared me since I didn't know how long it would last, but it only lasted a dozen minutes. Nothing too bad.

A strange thing I increasingly take notice of, is that my digestion is 'unreliable'. When I have a full stomach, I can suddenly get an urge to go to the toilet, and the 'latest' part of the stool is much more fluid than the rest. This suggests that there is some irritation that only happens when I've had a full stomach for a while. I have no flipping clue as to why it's like that, but my toilet gets clogged all of the time because my feces is just one big abhorrent, soggy piece of shit. Sorry about this. I will rarely speak of toilet things on this blog, but I need this scribbled down for further reference. It has gone on for weeks now, unrelated to what I eat. It just should not happen to a guy in his mid-twenties. As with the muscle twitches and all the other freaky stuff.

Again, a google search on 'lyme digestion' or 'lyme and crohns disease' only feed my suspicion that it's caused by the wrong bacteria causing trouble in the gastrointestinal tract, possibly helped by the absence of the weakened immune system. If my body is fighting something else, it just might have too much trouble handling relatively normal threats like that.

mandag den 23. december 2013


It's been a while. I have had lots of days where the symptoms didn't distract from anything. I barely notice the soreness in my legs and the clutched feeling of my heart. But today I noticed that I shivered several times while playing computer. I thought it was the 'touching story', but the story wasn't touching at all, so it felt odd and I wondered if the temperature was low. But my head felt normal temperature. It was only my arms, legs, body (ironically the clothed parts!) that got 'touched'. And it just went on and on for hours, intermittently. I got the suspicion that it could be the same 'failure' in my nervous system as had caused all prior symptoms, and since my best explanation is still borreliosis (or lyme), I googled 'shivers lyme'.

I hate to say the result didn't surprise me at all. Several pages of results linking to forum threads where people come together with the same symptom as me. It seems to be related to tremblings, especially night-time tremblings, so I will anticipate the coming days to see how I feel. But really, I'm more amazed every week by how crazy this freaking infection is. I still do nothing to combat it, except meditate on peace and harmony and tolerance, plus my restricted but enjoyable diet (as soon as you get off sugar, most vegetables and spices satisfy tastebuds fine).

Oh, I woke up with stomach pains this morning followed hours later by the shivers! Important detail since one thread specifically mentioned this connection with a long history of simultaneous occurrences.

Apart from that, I don't think there's anything new to report.