mandag den 19. september 2016

Someone achieved a meeting with the authorities...

As you all know, Danish authorities routinely block treatment when tick-bitten patients test negative. Some patient representatives will meet up with the authorities (Sundhedsstyrelsen) this week, but the setup is not promising. Just one guy from the Serum Institute and three representatives who will defend the State's view that oppression of sick people is a fair deal as long as the exact fooled person cannot be identified among those who tested negative.

My stand is that even if 10% of those tested negative are fooled by a test, when subsequently denied treatment, they are fooled by the authorities. If you know that a few people each year will fall through the net, it's unethical to send those towards psychiatric treatment. By that's just me, not taking my crazy pills.

More info about the meeting:

Bolette Søborg, Sundhedsstyrelsen
Ane Just Ohrt, Sundhedsstyrelsen
Gitte Kronborg, Sundhedsstyrelsen
Kåre Mølbak, Statens Serum Institut
Anette Ulstrup, Patientforeningen Danmark
Aase Høg, Patientforeningen Danmark
Marie Kroun, Patientforeningen Danmark
Alex Holmstedt, Patientforeningen Danmark
Dagsorden til dialogmøde om borrelia og neuroborreliose
1) Velkomst og præsentation. 2) Orientering om baggrunden for afholdelse af dialogmøde, v. Bolette Søborg. 3) Borrelia i Danmark v. Gitte Kronborg og Kåre Mølbak. 4) Borrelia - problemer på området v undertegnede. 5) nye lovende testmetoder v Marie Kroun. 6) en patienthistorie v Alex Holmstedt. 7) diskussion. 8) opsummering."

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